Reprogram Your Mind to Build Healthy Habits that Last

Are you ready to look and feel like your very best self?

An online, self-paced holistic health course designed specifically to help busy people LIKE YOU achieve your health goals and bring more energy and enjoyment into your life (without sacrificing your schedule!)

(And it isn’t you.)

There’s a reason 99% of diet & exercise programs fail.

If you’ve tried to build healthy habits in the past but haven’t been able to stay consistent or see the results you want, you’re not alone. It’s because these programs fail to take into account the #1 ingredient that’s the key to your success. YOU.

To succeed in achieving your fitness and health goals, your first step isn’t just diving into a new fitness regime — it’s adopting a new mindset.

Once you shift your mindset, you can easily clear inner resistance, and staying consistent with new healthy habits becomes effortless.

So in case you’re wondering — Yes! You absolutely can achieve all your health goals and start living a life of energy, health, and happiness! (You just need a program that helps you begin embodying those changes from within.)


Want to be more physically active, but don’t know how to fit exercise into your schedule?

Struggle to get through your day without feeling exhausted?

Wish you felt more confident and relaxed in your body?

Feel frustrated because your health changes never seem to last?

Struggle with chronic pain or health issues and know things need to change?

This Program is for You if You’re Ready to:

Change your food beliefs, relationship, and habits for GOOD.

Unleash your healthiest and happiest body yet with permanent health transformations.

Learn how to choose foods that leave you feeling energized, healthy, and happy.

Learn how to build physical strength and create the body you want in just 20 minutes a day.

Start getting quality sleep and wake up every day feeling well rested, energized, and excited.

Release unconscious beliefs and behaviors that prevent you from making change permanent.

You're in the right place

Meet your coach

I’m a holistic health coach and the founder of the Mind-Body Shift Program.

I designed this course to take you from disheartened and frustrated by your health, to unleashing your full health potential with permanent body transformations!

Whether you’ve tried exercise and nutrition programs in the past and haven’t seen results or you’re just starting your health journey — this program is designed to reprogram your mind to make healthy habits feel effortless, fit into your schedule, and help you achieve all your health goals.

Don’t Just Take it From Me…

When Tracy came to me, she’d spent most of her adult life struggling with her weight and confidence around body image. While she’d always been active, she found herself on a rollercoaster ride with her weight.

From 30 to 40, she “fluctuated nearly 25-30 lbs in weight, both gaining and losing. By the time I hit age 41, I felt tired all the time, my clothes just weren’t fitting well and I truly didn’t feel confident in my own body. I was disappointed I’d let myself get to my heaviest point and knew it was time I had to make a change.”

It was around that point that I introduced Tracy to the Mind-Body Shift approach.

We worked to integrate health as a core part of her lifestyle, rather than adopting the latest fad diet.

Just 4 months after beginning our work together, Tracy lost nearly 20lbs, feels energized (without the caffeine and sugar), and now finds it easy to stay consistent in making healthy food and movement choices!

Trust me, I know how impossible prioritizing your health is when you’ve got a busy schedule.

If you met me years ago, you’d have met a very different version of me. I’d built a highly successful career in orthopedic medical sales and real estate investing, was ranked as a top performer, and was set financially.

On the inside though, I felt miserable. I rarely got a good night’s sleep and would wake up already feeling exhausted. I struggled with chronic health issues and pain. I felt unable to be present with my loved ones and enjoy the life I’d worked so hard to build.

At a certain point, I couldn’t take it anymore. I was forced to confront that the way I was living just wasn’t working. I wanted to feel good; to wake up feeling excited and energized!

Once I learned the formula for making healthy habits easy, I was able to completely rewire the way I lived. By cultivating an identity of health from the inside out, I’m now able to prioritize the moments that truly matter, feel energized every day, practice zero-resistance healthy habits, and feel stronger, healthier, and happier than I have in a long time.

(And it’s exactly this process that I coach you through in the Mind-Body Shift Program!)


The Mind-Body Shift Program

With your schedule, you need something to help you seamlessly and effortlessly slip health into your daily routine.

That’s why I created the Mind-Body Shift Program to have a flexible and adaptable training timeline, perfect for even the busiest schedule.

The Mind-Body Shift Program is a self-paced online program designed to help even the busiest person cultivate 360 holistic, permanent health from the inside out.

With this program, you’ll learn the science of zero-resistance habit change, how to cultivate full-body wellness, achieve all your fitness goals, feel endless energy, and get to enjoy the life you’ve worked so hard to build!

You need healthy habits that meet you exactly where you are.

In as little as eight weeks, you’ll learn to…

With so much on your schedule, it can be hard to let go of stress, tune out the busy-ness in your mind, and connect with the richness and joy that being present in your life can bring. The Mind-Body Shift Program teaches you to become aware of your mind, so you can reconnect with yourself, your life, and your loved ones.

Experience more joy and be present for all the best moments in life


Want to lose weight? Want to build strength or achieve a certain physique? The Mind-Body Shift program gives you the tools to make long-term physical change easy with just 20 minutes a day, no matter how busy you are.

Achieve all your physical goals


You deserve to feel good, each and every day. With the Mind-Body Shift Program, you’ll learn to apply mindfulness and access joy throughout your life, making healthy habits easy to stick to and giving you access to inner reserves of energy you didn’t know you had.

Feel more energized, healthy, and happy


Here's a Sneak Peak Of What You'll Learn Over The Course Of The 8-Week Mind-Body Shift Program

Mastering Your Mind

Week 1:

Identify subconscious beliefs and mindsets holding you back from achieving your goals
Rewire old beliefs with new, healthy ones
Learn to operate from your future self and align your goals with mindsets that guarantee success

The Science of Zero-Resistance Habit Change

Week 2: 

Learn the behavior science of making new habits feel effortless
Gain the tools to deal with feelings of resistance as you build new habits
Identify the roots of current habits and how to replace them with new ones

Week 3: 

Developing Food Mindfulness

Learn new strategies to deal with temptation and boost willpower

Become aware of your inner angels and demons + how they impact food choices

Uncover your specific triggers for unhealthy eating, like stress at work, trouble in relationships, & more

Hydration, Whole Foods, and Food Freedom

Week 4: 

Flip the script on your relationship with food, so you’re in control of what you eat instead of food controlling you

Learn to identify energy-giving foods and the foods that deplete your energy (like added sugars, processed foods, and more)

Learn the science of hydration and how much water you should actually drink

Week 5: 

Making Healthy Choices Easy

Gain customizable meals fit to your tastes to make meal-prepping easy

Learn to revamp your environment to make smart choices easy (instead of just relying on willpower)

Access healthy recipes and convenient snack ideas to make daily health effortless

Week 6: 

Sugars, Fats, Caffeine, and Alcohol

Explore the addictive nature of sugar, sneaky places it likes to hide, and how to recalibrate your taste buds and deal with cravings

Learn the true impact of caffeine and alcohol on your mental and physical health

Discover how inflammatory fats affect your energy and health

Week 7: 

Making Movement a Lifestyle

Learn the science of fitness, the importance of recover and rest, and how to create habits that stick

Learn sneaky ways to fit movement into your day with micro-workouts, standing, walking, and more

Discover the most effective workouts to hit your goals in less time

Week 8: 

Stress & Sleep

Design your very own personalized routine to get better sleep every night

Explore the power of nature and how to harness it to boost wellbeing

Discover effective stress management techniques to downregulate stress and help your body rest and recover

Each module comes complete with videos and workbook sections, and is estimated to take just 60-90 minutes each week!

Bonus #3


Step-by-step guidance on the elimination diet, and how to identify which foods may be robbing you of your energy.

Bonus #1

Learn to achieve optimal fitness with 20-minute workouts you can do from home!

Bonus #2

You’ll also have lifetime access, so you never have to rush or worry about running out of time.

(After all, the Mind-Body Shift Program was designed to help reduce your stress, not give you more of it!) Work through modules at your own pace, on your own schedule. Plus, you’ll always have access in case you want a refresher.


In-depth insight into how intermittent fasting could support your body and boost your energy.

Get into the Best Shape of Your Life Starting Today, for just $XXX

You’ll still receive the full program and bonuses with our payment plan of X over x months.

Need a payment plan? I’ve got you covered.

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Best Value


two payments of

The Mind-Body Shift Program

(Save money when you pay in full)

One time payment

Imagine Yourself a Year from Today...

So what you need to ask yourself, is are you ready to begin looking and feeling like the best version of yourself?

I think you are. And I’d love to be there to guide you on your journey to success.

Hope to see you there!

All of this is possible for you.

You wake up in the mornings feeling energized and excited for everything the day has to offer you. You recognize old cravings, but find it easy to eat foods that leave you feeling healthy and energized throughout the day. Movement is infused into your lifestyle — you no longer struggle with finding time for exercise and you’re in the best shape of your life.

When you feel stressed, you have an arsenal of tools you know how to use to cultivate inner relaxation and peace. You’re able to calm your mind, be present with your loved ones, and be there all the best moments in your life.



Frequently Asked Questions

How does the program work?

Learn and grow at your own pace with the weekly training schedule. The Mind-Body Shift Program is a self-study support program that is completed over a period of 8 weeks. Each week is broken down into multiple 5–10-minute videos. In addition to the online material, you will receive worksheets to help you reflect and further cement your learnings.

How much time will I need to dedicate to the program?

All in all, you will have roughly 1 hour of video content to work through each week plus an additional 30 minutes of worksheets to complete. In total, expect to dedicate about 1 ½ hours per week on the course material. The time you spend implementing the tools is completely up to you. But remember, the more you invest into the program, the more you will get out of it!

Is there support during the program?

You are never alone! Enjoy group and personalized support through your journey. Through the program you will have access to a private Facebook support group where you will build meaningful connections and collaborate with your fellow Mind-Boy Shift Tribe. You can also get in touch with me via DM and I will be there with you through your journey.

What if I am unhappy with the course?

Due to the digital nature of this product, refunds will not be given. I am extremely proud of this course and am confident that anyone who invests in it and implements the strategies and tools provided will be on the right path to a mind-body transformation. Remember that during the journey to permanent transformation, you have to allow yourself to be a work in progress! If you really feel like you gave the program 100% and you have zero improvements, then I welcome you to be in touch and give me your input.

Have a question that was not answered?

Click here and please reach out to me with any questions you may have.


Start yours today.

The Journey Of A Lifetime Begins With A Single Step.