Hi there!

I’m Jackie!

I was in the fitness and health world for years. I went to college for Exercise and Sports Science, got certified as a Personal Trainer and as a Strength and Conditioning Specialist, and quickly followed that up by landing a job at the fanciest gym in Orange County, California.

Getting clients was no issue. I’d give them carefully crafted exercise and nutrition plans, yet time and again, my clients struggled to achieve their goals.

Feeling unfulfilled, I left personal training for orthopedic medical sales, soon after adding real estate investing to my daily to-dos.

I was by all accounts a success, making great money and consistently ranked a top performer.

If you feel low on energy, constantly tired, and frustrated when it comes to looking and feeling your best – Trust me, I’ve been there.

So everything was perfect, right? … WRONG.

Even though from the outside I was successful, on the inside — I felt terrible.

I had zero work life balance.

I had absolutely no energy and felt like I had to push through every second of the day.

I was stressed 24/7.

It was a nightly struggle to get to sleep, and even once I did, I never felt rested.

I found it hard to be present in my life, and my relationship suffered because of it.

I was in chronic pain, as past accidents and my scoliosis flared with constant stress.

I was stuck in a downward spiral. (Sound familiar?)

At the edge of burnout, I knew something had to change.

I quit my job and soon after signed up for a health retreat. I wanted to feel good again, instead of fatigued from the moment I woke up. At the retreat with nothing to focus on but myself, I realized what I’d been missing. Both from my life, and for my fitness clients so many years ago.

That missing piece was our internal worlds. Our minds. It was that moment that guided me into my work today as a holistic health coach. 

When you have your subconscious on your side, it becomes nearly effortless to achieve almost any health goal.


Once you begin to embody your goals from the inside out — sky’s the limit!

If you’ve struggled to change your physical health before and want more than anything to start enjoying life and feeling your best, I get it.

My program is designed for even the busiest people to make wildly effective shifts that start by rewiring your mind, so healthy habits can take root as part of who you are and transform your wellbeing from the inside out. 


Certified Holistic Health Coach

Exercise and Sports Science Degree (Bachelors of Science)

Certified Personal Trainer

Certified Strength & Conditioning Specialist

10 Years of Orthopedic Experience in Medical Sales

20+ Years of Fitness Coaching Experience


One of my all-time favorite passions… Sailing!

On my days off, you can most likely find me… Soaking up the Sun Outdoors or on a hike!

If I could be anywhere in the world right now, I’d choose… St. John, US Virgin Islands

My favorite comfort food…. Pizza!

My favorite sport…. NFL Football!

Dogs have a special place in my heart!

A Few Fun Facts

Are You Ready to Start Living as Your Best, Healthiest, Happiest Self?

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